Sep 2009

Power Breakfast #44

Vienna, Austria
uptime ITechnologies GmbH
From 08.30AM to 10.00AM

Theme 1 | Manfred Kastner

Still crazy after all these years?

From the perspective of a liberal entrepreneur

Unpopular thoughts and impulses on the issues of crisis and its polluters, market vs. economy. State, responsibility and support programs, hope and faith, creative destruction and courage for humility and action from the perspective of a liberal entrepreneur.

Manfred Kastner is Chairman of the Management Board of C.A.T. Oil AG, a leading oil and gas service company in Russia, listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

Kastner completed his studies at the University of Economics in Vienna, with a focus on capital markets, economics and languages. He is the Founder and President of the Board of the Vision Microfinance Fund, a fund with more than 100 million EUR microcredits worldwide.

Kastner is a founding partner of numerous companies, primarily Internet ventures.

Theme 2 | Barbara Kolm

Economics is not enough

The rebirth of Austrians

Dr. Barbara Kolm is the General Secretary of the Friedrich August von Hayek Institute in Vienna, which offers market-based solutions in the areas of education, health, protection of labor, business location and poverty reduction. The organization also promotes the teachings of the Austrian School of Economics. Dr. Kolm is also Founder of the Austrian Economics Center, dedicated to research and policy advice in the area of individual social responsibility in combination with economic issues. She is a Member of the Mont Pélerin society and President of the European Coalition for economic growth. She studied business administration at the University of Innsbruck and UCLA.


September 23rd, 2009
08.00 – 08.30

Breakfast & Networking

08.30 – 08.35


08.35 – 09.00 Manfred Kastner

Still crazy after all these years?

Unpopular thoughts and impulses on the issues of crisis and its polluters, market vs. economy. State, responsibility and support programs, hope and faith, creative destruction and courage for humility and action from the perspective of a liberal entrepreneur.

09.00 – 09.20

Update from Host

09.25 – 09.50 Barbara Kolm

Economics is not enough

09.50 – 10.00

Closing Remarks

uptime ITechnologies GmbH
Schwarzenbergplatz 8/10
Vienna, 1030
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