The successful entrepreneur sets his sights on an uncertain future – to a future that becomes real through action. The function of the entrepreneur is to carry uncertainty, and that is to say, to enter into a risk through the investing of something. We can only invest something that is our own, such as our legal possession, our freedom, our health, our reputation and our lives.
The philosophical practice established by Dr. Eugen Maria Schulak in 1998 in Vienna, is a consulting firm that poses philosophical questions about the economy and society, and acts in the areas of ethics, epistemology, philosophy of culture, economics and politics. Schulak is on the Board of Directors at the Institute of Value Management, co-founder of Siemens Academy of Life, and teaches at the Philosophical Institute of the University of Vienna as well as at University of Applied Sciences. Schulak is the president of the Society for Applied Philosophy, a founding member of the Property & Freedom Society, a regular columnist for Wiener Zeitung, as well as being a keynote speaker and book author.
Only an economic culture based on freedom, performance and self-responsibility can secure added value and opportunities for the future. The core task is the promotion and support of medium-sized entrepreneurs in all areas of economic activity. Our medium-sized enterprise culture is at a turning point. On the one hand it is clear that we need them more than ever before–for their innovative and growth potential. However, this also applies to their tax and duty payments, to which the state and society are legally dependent. We need the economic power of small and medium-sized enterprises more than ever. But the pressure is growing.
Nikolaus Kimla is the CEO of Pipelinersales Inc. and the mastermind behind the development of Pipeliner, a revolutionary sales CRM software. He is also CEO of the Austrian company uptime ITechnologies, which hosted and led the development of World Check, the largest banking compliance solution worldwide, for Thomson Reuters. Nikolaus is the founder of the independent economic platform GO AHEAD!, which orientates itself to the principles of a free market economy and social responsibility. Since summer 2012 Nikolaus Kimla and his family has been living in Los Angeles. He is the author of the books Die IT-Revolution, as well as Salespeople Embracing it All.
The successful entrepreneur sets his sights on an uncertain future - to a future that becomes real through action. The function of the entrepreneur is to carry uncertainty, and that is to say, to enter into a risk through the investing of something. We can only invest something that is our own, such as our legal possession, our freedom, our health, our reputation and our lives.
Only an economic culture based on freedom, performance and self-responsibility can secure added value and opportunities for the future. The core task is the promotion and support of medium-sized entrepreneurs in all areas of economic activity. Our medium-sized enterprise culture is at a turning point. On the one hand it is clear that we need them more than ever before--for their innovative and growth potential. However, this also applies to their tax and duty payments, to which the state and society are legally dependent. We need the economic power of small and medium-sized enterprises more than ever. But the pressure is growing.