Helmut Schüller is pastor of St. Stephan in Probstdorf, University Chaplain of the Catholic High School of Vienna, Spiritual Assistant for Catholic High School in Vienna, student chaplain and, since 2006, has been the Spiritual Assistant of the Catholic Academic Association of the Archdiocese of Vienna. Schüller was the Chairman of the Board of the Association of Fairtrade Austria in 2007. From 1986 to 1995, he was an employee of Caritas Austria, and was also president of this group. For the "bravura performance of the large group Caritas" he was awarded as "WU-Manager of the Year 1993".
Austria has a high per-capita income, a high rate of social spending, a uniform income distribution and consequently a low poverty rate. Nevertheless, some institutions and media also point to rampant poverty and shout shrilly for (still) more redistribution and social spending. In an investigation, the Federation of Industrialists has summarized facts on redistribution in Austria. It shows that a minority generates the mass of the wealth to be redistributed and thus essentially maintains the social system.