Economic dynamics and complexity require flexible access to knowledge and contacts. Social networks have quickly become an integral part of our lives – but does it actually help us to make economic contacts? Conference and event visits give us an opportunity to discuss and cooperate – but are they actually used? What is the evolution of these networks? Is there a next development stage?
Since 2003, Christian Ohswald has led Raiffeisen Private Banking in Vienna. Following his studies in law, and a doctoral program at the Vienna of University of Economics, he spent 14 months as part of a bank trainee programme. Following that he was active in customer service, and then as Regional Manager and later as City Manager at Raiffeisen. Mr. Ohswald also lectures at the Institut for Credit Management at University of Economics in Vienna on bank administration/personnel management. He also speaks at national and international conferences on topics such as personnel, leadership and sales.
Over the past 20 years, the focus has mostly been on customer management, ignoring the related issue of sales management. Today it is vitally important that you as a seller are trusted and believed. The anonymous seller is out! Recognizing this reality creates lasting success and increases your reach.
Nikolaus Kimla is the CEO of Pipelinersales Inc. and the mastermind behind the development of Pipeliner, a revolutionary sales CRM software. He is also CEO of the Austrian company uptime ITechnologies, which hosted and led the development of World Check, the largest banking compliance solution worldwide, for Thomson Reuters. Nikolaus is the founder of the independent economic platform GO AHEAD!, which orientates itself to the principles of a free market economy and social responsibility. Since summer 2012 Nikolaus Kimla and his family has been living in Los Angeles. He is the author of the books Die IT-Revolution, as well as Salespeople Embracing it All.
Economic dynamics and complexity require flexible access to knowledge and contacts. Social networks have quickly become an integral part of our lives - but does it actually help us to make economic contacts? Conference and event visits give us an opportunity to discuss and cooperate - but are they actually used? What is the evolution of these networks? Is there a next development stage?
Over the past 20 years, the focus has mostly been on customer management, ignoring the related issue of sales management. Today it is vitally important that you as a seller are trusted and believed. The anonymous seller is out! Recognizing this reality creates lasting success and increases your reach.