From 1998 until 2001, Brenninkmeijer was active in the family-owned company C & A. Prior to 1998 he was a member of Directorate C & A Austria, and from 1997 to 2000 he was involved on the creation of C & A Europe. Since 2001 Brenninkmeijer has been an independent consultant with a focus on family business. In 2009 he established the RCO-partners network, a network of specialist advisers from different disciplines, which puts its focus on comprehensive practices and strategic choices for family business and their families.
Bernward Brenninkmeijer is also President of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce for Austria, as well as co-founder of the Initiative for Teaching Entrepreneurship Austria (transactions Austria).
Speaker's Events
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Power Breakfast #58 on Entrepreneur
Family Business as the Supporting Pillars of Business and Society