Gregor Hochreiter, M.Sc.
Founder and Chairman at Institut für Wertewirtschaft
Gregor Hochreiter is the Founder and Board member of the Institute for Value Management. The Institute is dedicated to research and teaching a realistic economy in the tradition of the Austrian School of Economics and others.
Hochreiter is currently a lecturer at the Vienna University of Economics and the University of Liechtenstein. He is the author of Langfristig Werte sichern, co-author of Der Anti-Steingart and The Regulation Race.
Upon completion of his studies in economics at the University of Vienna and the University of Aalborg (Denmark) he worked for the CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies), a Brussels-based think tank.
Speaker's Events
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Business Summit ’11 on Society
Fundamentals of the Austrian School of Economics – Monetary and Economic Theory
Power Breakfast #37 on Economic Markets
Conjunctural Dynamics