Constantin Veyder-Malberg
Management Board Member at Capital Bank – GRAWE Gruppe AG
Constantin Veyder-Malberg is a Member of the Board of Directors of Capital Bank – GRAWE Gruppe AG. In this position he is responsible for private banking, investment services, and treasury. He is also on the board the Brüll Kalmus Bank AG. The Capital Bank Group is part of the insurance group of Grazer Wechselseitigen, and manages around €2 .5 billion in group funds, as well as 4 billion of client money. He has over 20 years experience in the securities business, including 15 years as bank and KAG-Chariman. His previous positions were with the Bankhaus Spängler, with a focus on portfolio management, and finance consulting with Schoellerbank, Austro-Bavaria investment AG and SKWB Schoellerbank invest AG.