Philipp Vorndran
Member of the Supervisory Board at Flossbach & von Storch AG
Philipp Vorndran has strengthened the investment team of Raft, Creek & Stork as a Capital Market Strategist since 2009. Since 2005 he has also been a supervisory board member for Flossbach & von Storch AG. From 1997 to 2008, Vorndran was at Credit Suisse Group serving in various functions. He was Chief Strategist for Global Asset Management and also CEO from 2004 to 2006, at Credit Suisse Asset Management GmbH in Germany. He began his career at Bank Julius Bär in Frankfurt and Zurich, serving as manager from 1992 to 1996.
Speaker's Events
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Business Summit ’11 on Society
Every Crisis can Also Be Understood as an Opportunity
Business Summit ’10 on Society
Creative Destruction – Was Schumpeter Right?
Business Summit ’09 on Society
Is the State our Last Salvation?